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Clarence Charnay

Areas of Research/Expertise

  1. Advanced nanostructured materials for targeted applications in biology and catalysis
  2. Formulation and interfacial control of colloidal systems for morphological and textural tuning of porous particles for metal ion remediation and photodynamic therapy or two-photon imaging.
  3. Non conventional reactivity (ball milling & microondes) for hybrid materials synthesis
  4. Amphiphile systems as reactive media for original synthesis route by ball milling

5 Most representative publications related to Mechanochemistry

  1. Colacino E., Porcheddu A., Charnay C., Delogu F., From enabling technologies to medicinal mechanochemistry: an eco-friendly access to hydantoin-based active pharmaceutical ingredients, reaction chemistry & engineering, 2019, 4, 1179-1188, https://doi.org/10.1039/C9RE00069K
  2. Lupacchini M., Mascitti A., Tonucci L., d'Alessandro N., Colacino E. Charnay C., From Molecules to Silicon-Based Biohybrid Materials by Ball Milling, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2018, 6, 511-518, https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b02782
  3. Colacino E., Porcheddu A., Halasz I., Charnay C., Delogu F., Guerra R., Fullenwarth J., Mechanochemistry for "no solvent, no base" preparation of hydantoin-based active pharmaceutical ingredients: nitrofurantoin and dantrolene, Green Chem. 2018, 20, 2973-2977, https://doi.org/10.1039/C8GC01345D
  4. Charnay C., Porcheddu A., Delogu F., Colacino E., New and up-and-coming perspectives for an unconventional chemistry: from molecular synthesis to hybrid materials by mechanochemistry,Royal Society of Chemistry Book: Green Synthetic Processes and Procedures, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1039/9781788016131-00192

5 Most representative publications non-related to Mechanochemistry

  1. Degradable Hollow Organosilica Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Activity, Rahmani, S.; Bouchmella, K.; Budimir, J.; Raehm, L.; Cardoso, M. B.; Trens, P.; Durand, J. O.; Charnay, C., ACS Omega 2019, 4, 1479-1486, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.8b02779
  2. Copper-Containing Rod-Shaped Nanosized Silica Particles for Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Triazoles in Aqueous Solution, Mnasri N., Nyalosaso J. L., Colacino E., Derrien G., Lamaty F., Martinez J., Zajac J., Charnay C., ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2015, 3, 10, 2516-2525 https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.5b00661
  3. One-Pot Construction of Multipodal Hybrid Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica Nanoparticles with Crystal-Like Architectures, Croissant J., Cattoën X., Wong Chi Man M., Dieudonné P., Charnay C., Raehm L., Durand J.O, Advanced Materials, 27, 2015, 145-1492, https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201404226
  4. One Step Synthesis of Gold-Loaded Radial Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres and Supported Lipid Bilayer Functionalization: Towards Bio-Multifunctional Sensors, Veneziano R., Derrien G., Tan S., Brisson A., Devoisselle J.M., Chopineau J., Charnay C., Small, 23, 2012, 3674-3682 https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201200758
  5. Micelles into Glycerol Solvent: Overcoming Side Reactions of Glycerol., Overcoming Side Reactions of Glycerol, Hamel A., Sacco M., Mnasri N., Lamaty F., Martinez J., De Angelis F., Colacino E., Charnay C., ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2014, 2, 1353-1358, https://doi.org/10.1021/sc500207r

Orcid ID/Google Scholar/Researchgate/Scopus profiles

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8796-3701
Google Scholar: -
Researchgate: -
Scopus profiles: 6603174573

Primary focus in mechanochemical research




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